
OzSAGE publications about COVID and schools

COVID in schools

According to a US study, approximately 70% of household COVID transmission starts with a school-aged index case. By taking simple steps to suppress COVID transmission in schools we can reduce the risk of students and staff being infected and re-infected, and help to reduce the ongoing spread of COVID in households and the wider community.

Although the acute phase of most paediatric infections is mild, some children get very sick with COVID, thousands have been hospitalised, and while rare, there have been a number of deaths.

The biggest concern held for children is the risk of long-term health impacts from COVID, particularly with repeat infections - including increased risk of blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure and diabetes, as well as Long COVID and immune system dysregulation.

Featured articles

Professor Brendan Crabb

Additional resources

  • COVID Safety For Schools - An online course to help schools minimise spread of COVID and keep students, staff and the school community safe