
OzSAGE publications about COVID in healthcare settings

COVID in Healthcare

Healthcare facilities are a special environment because people vulnerable to bad outcomes from infectious diseases have no option other than to attend, and people with infectious disease are also seeking care there.

The long established fight against nosocomial (hospital acquired) infection has been compromised in relation to COVID-19 because many infection control policies do not take all reasonable steps to prevent COVID-19 spread.

We know that the implementation of:

  • masking

  • testing

  • isolation

  • clean air standards

reduce the incidence of not only COVID-19 transmission but many other airborne diseases that patients have every right to avoid when seeking care for other illness.

The current settings are in the opinion of OzSAGE in contravention of patients’ rights to be safe, and to feel safe when seeking healthcare.

Staff at Royal Melbourne Hospital wearing N95 masks, December 2023

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Staff at Royal Melbourne Hospital wearing N95 masks, December 2023